Melman the Giraffe



Jason Figueroa and Daniel Geary.

For our robot animal project we built a giraffe. We went with a long neck design to make sure that it is obivious that our robot represented a giraffe. Behind the neck are reinforcement legos to keep it sturdy and strong. Connected to the neck is a weak motor that turns when any motion is waved in front of the eyes. In the back are two strong motors with large wheels to give our giraffe maximum power. A problem with this is that our backward wheels were angled inwards and when the motors ran, the giraffe would tip. To solve this dilemma, we made the front wheels heavyer and stronger by adding more legos, and we also straightened out the back wheels by pushing them back and keeping them there with a support.

All of our coding was done on the EV3 block. Our code tells our machine to react when the ultrasonic sensor detects an object. When this happens, the weak motor will turn for half a second counter-clockwise, then a full second clockwise, followed by another half second counter-clockwise. This is meant to simulate the giraffe looking around for any dangers. Then, if the touch sensor is activated, both strong motors will run for 2 seconds, simulating the giraffe running away from whatever touched it.


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