Category Archives: Proj 2: Sensors

Proj 2: Sensors

You are to choose one of the sensors (color/light sensor, ultrasonic sensor, or gyro sensor) and investigate its properties and tolerances. This might include: range, angle, scale, and other important characteristics, depending on which sensor you choose.

Click here for the full project description (PDF).

Documentation (description, images, data, code, etc) due to website by Mon (9/26) before class.
Project (in­class presentation) due on Monday, September 26th, 2016 

Julia and Duc Color Sensor

 Duc Nguyen and Julia Ferreira Robotics Color Sensor Investigation               For our project, we decided to test the color sensor, particularly the RGB color detector. We set up the sensor by attaching it to the brick so that the bottom of the sensor touches the ground, then we stabilized the brick by putting legs […]

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